Hans Almgren
Rony Doedijns
Igor Mioč
Tajana Matejčić
Jasna Matejčić
Hans Erhard Gruettner
Jean Francois Vanaken
Moa Persson
Denis Kuzelj
Michael Leonard
Lief Hermann Wilberg
Nedim Šuta
Federica Loch Romans
Gabriel Stibel
Torbjörn Skaar
Poštovani Izlagači,
kao što i sami znate kinologija danas je vrlo nepredvidiva i teško je pristupiti organizaciji izložbe, pogotovo kada istu krenete organizirati 10 mjeseci unaprijed. Gotovo se uvijek trudimo da suci ne sude puno pasa kako bi svi imali dovoljno vremena da im kinološki dan prođe sa što manje stresa jer su Karlovačke izložbe su uvijek bile organizirane po principu za pse i za izlagače.
Ove godine po prvi puta organiziramo 4 izložbena dana u suradnji sa KD Jastrebarsko, dvije nacionalne i dvije internacionalne izložbe. Krenuli smo sa organizacijom još u 2023. godini i planiranju koliko nam sudaca treba. Malo smo se oslonili i na Europsku izložbu pasa koja je završila prošle nedjelje, ali broj prijavljenih pasa je nešto niži od očekivanog pa smo bili primorani raditi nepopularne poteze, zahvaliti se nekim sucima, te smanjiti broj sudaca koji sude na nacionalnim izložbama.
Prvenstveno veliko hvala sucima koje smo otkazali na razumijevanju i izuzetnom profesionalizmu, te veliko hvala sucima koji su pristali doći samo za vikend.
Dragi izlagači molimo Vas da pogledate izmijenjene sudačke liste.
Vidimo se uskoro.
Organizacijski odbor
Dear Exhibitors,
As you are aware, today’s world of cynology is highly unpredictable, and organizing a dog show is quite challenging, especially when planning begins 10 months in advance. We always strive to ensure that judges don’t have to assess too many dogs, allowing enough time for everyone to experience a stress-free kynological day. The Karlovac shows have always been organized with both dogs and exhibitors in mind.
This year, for the first time, we are organizing 4 show days in collaboration with KD Jastrebarsko, consisting of two national and two international shows. We began the planning process back in 2023, considering how many judges would be needed. We also took into account the European Dog Show, which concluded last Sunday. However, the number of registered dogs is lower than expected, forcing us to make some unpopular decisions, such as thanking certain judges for their participation and reducing the number of judges officiating at the national shows.
First and foremost, a big thank you to the judges we had to cancel for their understanding and exceptional professionalism, and a huge thank you to the judges who agreed to come only for the weekend.
Dear exhibitors, please take a look at the revised judges’ lists.
See you soon,
Organizing Committee
Sudačka lista – četvrtak
FCI I | |
Hans Almgren (SWE) | Britanski ovčari, Bijeli Švicarski ovčar / British shepherds, White Swiss Shepherd |
Gabriel Stibel (MK) | Ostale pasmine / Other breeds |
FCI II | |
Rony Doedijns (NL) | Njemačke doge / Great Dane |
Federica Loch Romans (NL) | Molosi planinskog tipa (osim Tornjaka) / Molossian mountain type (except Tornjaks) |
Michael Leonard (IRL) | Ostale pasmine / Other breeds |
Torbjörn Skaar (SWE) | Terijeri tipa bull, Toy terijeri / Bull type terriers, Toy Terriers |
Gabriel Stibel (MK) | Ostale pasmine / Other breeds |
FCI IV | |
Nedim Šuta (BiH) | Sve pasmine / All breeds |
FCI V | |
Nedim Šuta (BiH) | Sve pasmine / All breeds |
FCI VI | |
Rony Doedijns (NL) | Sve pasmine / All breeds |
Federica Loch Romans (NL) | Sve pasmine / All breeds |
Moa Persson (SWE) | Zlatni retriver, Labrador retriver / Golden Retriever, Labrador Retriever |
Torbjörn Skaar (SWE) | Ostale pasmine / Other breeds |
FCI IX | |
Rony Doedijns (NL) | Patuljasti i toy pudl / Miniature and Toy Poodle |
Hans Almgren (SWE) | Srednji i veliki pudl, Mali molosi / Medium and Standard Poodle, Small Molossian type breeds |
Moa Persson (SWE) | Tibetanske pasmine / Tibetan breeds |
Torbjörn Skaar (SWE) | Bišoni i srodne pasmine / Bichons and related breeds |
Rony Doedijns (NL) | Ostale pasmine / Other breeds |
FCI X | |
Federica Loch Romans (NL) | Sve pasmine / All breeds |
Moa Persson (SWE) | Sve pasmine / All breeds |
Sudačka lista – petak
FCI I | |
Moa Persson (SWE) | Britanski ovčari / British shepherds |
Federica Loch Romans (NL) | Bijeli švicarski ovčar / White Swiss Shepherd |
Hans Almgren (SWE) | Ostale pasmine / Other breeds |
FCI II | |
Michael Leonard (IRL) | Njemačke doge / Great Dane |
Torbjörn Skaar (SWE) | pasmine u tipu pinčera i šnaucera / Pinscher and Schnauzer type breeds |
Nedim Šuta (BiH) | Molosi planinskog tipa / Molossian mountain type |
Gabriel Stibel (MK) | Ostale pasmine / Other breeds |
Rony Doedijns (NL) | Sve pasmine / All breeds |
FCI IV | |
Torbjörn Skaar (SWE) | Sve pasmine / All breeds |
FCI V | |
Michael Leonard (IRL) | Europski špicevi / European Spitz |
Rony Doedijns (NL) | Ostale pasmine / Other breeds |
FCI VI | |
Gabriel Stibel (MK) | Sve pasmine / All breeds |
Moa Persson (SWE) | Sve pasmine / All breeds |
Michael Leonard (IRL) | Zlatni retriver, Labrador retriver / Golden Retriever, Labrador Retriever |
Federica Loch Romans (NL) | Ostale pasmine / Other breeds |
FCI IX | |
Hans Almgren (SWE) | Patuljasti i toy pudl, Tibetanske pasmine / Miniature and Toy Poodle, Tibetan breeds |
Moa Persson (SWE) | Srednji i veliki pudl, mali molosi / Medium and Standard Poodle, small Molossian type breeds |
Federica Loch Romans (NL) | Bišoni i srodne pasmine, tibetanske pasmine / Bichons and related breeds, Tibetan breeds |
Torbjörn Skaar (SWE) | Ostale pasmine / Other breeds |
FCI X | |
Nedim Šuta (BiH) | Sve pasmine / All breeds |
Rony Doedijns (NL) | Sve pasmine / All breeds |
Sudačka lista – subota
FCI I | |
Michael Leonard (IRL) | Britanski ovčari / British shepherds |
Denis Kuzelj (SLO) | Australski govedarski pas, Australski ovčarski pas / Australina cattle dog, Australian shepherd |
Moa Persson (SWE) | Ostale pasmine / Other breeds |
FCI II | |
Igor Mioč (HR) | Njemačke doge, pinčeri / Great Dane, Pinscher |
Denis Kuzelj (SLO) | Šnauceri, Crni Ruski Terijer / Schnauzer, Russian Black Terrier |
Igor Mioč (HR) | Molosi planinskog tipa (osim Tornjaka) / Molossian mountain type (except Tornjaks) |
Gabriel Stibel (MK) | Tornjak / Tornjak |
Rony Doedijns (NL) | Ostale pasmine / Other breeds |
Nedim Šuta (BiH) | Terijeri tipa bull / Bull type terriers |
Gabriel Stibel (MK) | Toy terijeri / Toy Terriers |
Torbjörn Skaar (SWE) | Ostale pasmine / Other breeds |
FCI IV | |
Jasna Matejčić (HR) | Sve pasmine / All breeds |
FCI V | |
Jasna Matejčić (HR) | Europski špicevi / European Spitz |
Tajana Matejčić (HR) | Ostale pasmine / Other breeds |
FCI VI | |
Federica Loch Romans (NL) | Hrvatske pasmine / Croatian breeds |
Hans Almgren (SWE) | Ostale pasmine / Other breeds |
Rony Doedijns (NL) | Sve pasmine / All breeds |
Federica Loch Romans (NL) | Zlatni retriver, Labrador retriver / Golden Retriever, Labrador Retriever |
Nedim Šuta (BiH) | Ravnodlaki retriver, Nova Scotia retriver za patke, Španijeli / Flat Coated Retriever, Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, Flushing Dogs |
Gabriel Stibel (MK) | Lagotto Romagnolo / Lagotto Romagnolo |
Michael Leonard (IRL) | Ostale pasmine / Other breeds |
FCI IX | |
Nedim Šuta (BiH) | Pudle / Poodle |
Torbjörn Skaar (SWE) | Mali molosi / Small Molossian type breeds |
Tajana Matejčić (HR) | Tibetanske pasmine, Čivave / Tibetan breeds, Chihuahueno |
Moa Persson (SWE) | Ostale pasmine / Other breeds |
FCI X | |
Gabriel Stibel (MK) | Vipet / Whippet |
Hans Almgren (SWE) | Ostale pasmine / Other breeds |
Denis Kuzelj (SLO) | Sve pasmine / All breeds |
Sudačka lista – nedelja
FCI I | |
Gabriel Stibel (MK) | Britanski ovčari, Bijeli Švicarski ovčar / British shepherds, White Swiss Shepherd |
Torbjörn Skaar (SWE) | Ostale pasmine / Other breeds |
FCI II | |
Moa Persson (SWE) | Njemačke doge, pinčeri / Great Dane, Pinscher |
Federica Loch Romans (NL) | Šnauceri, Crni ruski terijer / Schnauzer, Russian Black Terrier |
Denis Kuzelj (SLO) | Molosi planinskog tipa / Molossian mountain type |
Hans Almgren (SWE) | Ostale pasmine / Other breeds |
Igor Mioč (HR) | Terijeri tipa bull / Bull type terriers |
Nedim Šuta (BiH) | Ostale pasmine / Other breeds |
FCI IV | |
Federica Loch Romans (NL) | Sve pasmine / All breeds |
FCI V | |
Rony Doedijns (NL) | Europski špicevi / European Spitz |
Denis Kuzelj (SLO) | Ostale pasmine / Other breeds |
FCI VI | |
Jasna Matejčić (HR) | Hrvatske pasmine, Rodezijski riđbek / Croatian breeds, Rhodesian Ridgeback |
Federica Loch Romans (NL) | Ostale pasmine / Other breeds |
Jasna Matejčić (HR) | Sve pasmine / All breeds |
Rony Doedijns (NL) | Zlatni retriver, Labrador retriver / Golden Retriever, Labrador Retriever |
Moa Persson (SWE) | Ostale pasmine / Other breeds |
FCI IX | |
Tajana Matejčić (HR) | Pudl / Poodles |
Igor Mioč (HR) | Mali molosi / Small Molossian type Dogs |
Nedim Šuta (BiH) | Tibetanske pasmine / Tibetan breeds |
Michael Leonard (IRL) | Ostale pasmine / Other breeds |
FCI X | |
Jasna Matejčić (HR) | Vipet / Whippet |
Michael Leonard (IRL) | Ostale pasmine / Other breeds |
Torbjörn Skaar (SWE) | Sve pasmine / All breeds |